Thank you for visiting Global GEG. Our volunteer Educator Leaders have paused on producing lots of content post COVID but we are happy you are here and please use and enjoy any of our resources to support you. 

We are proud to say that Global GEG was really a support that helped a lot of educators find their paths and many of our Global GEG leaders have taken next steps in careers and life. We wish everyone well in all their next steps and love celebrating all educators. 

Global GEG Initiatives

Social MEdia

The Facebook logo linked to https://www.facebook.com/groups/globalgeg/
The official YouTube logo linked to https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkBXjjUuce3SgqtVD-EbHFA
The Instagram logo linked to https://www.instagram.com/globalgeg/?hl=en
The LinkedIn logo linked to https://www.linkedin.com/in/global-geg-8756a71a9/
The official Twitter logo linked to http://twitter.com/GlobalGEG
The official Waklet logo linked to https://wakelet.com/@GlobalGEG

Global GEG shares, collaborates, and learns with amazing educators around the world on many platforms. Please join us!